The contracting provider shall have the right to a retrospective review of any claim denied in whole or in part. The purpose of a retrospective review is to allow the provider to contact customer service to determine whether the original adjudication was correct.

A. All requests for retrospective review must be submitted (in writing or by phone) to and received by BCBSKS Customer Service within 120 days from the date of the remittance advice.

B. The provider will be given a response to the request for a retrospective review as soon as possible, but no later than 60 days from receipt date. In cases where claims are adjusted, the remittance advice will serve as the response


A request made from a contracting provider to change a claim, (e.g., changing information on the service line, modifier addition, diagnosis correction, etc.) that has previously processed is considered a corrected claim. The submission of a corrected claim must be received by BCBSKS within the 15-month timely filing deadline. Claims denied requesting additional information (e.g. by letter or adjustment reason code) should never be marked “corrected claim” when resubmitted. Instead, providers should submit a new claim with the requested information.

When a claim denial or adjustment is made as a result of a BCBSKS audit, the provider may not submit a corrected claim to reverse the decision. The provider’s next course of action is to enter into the appeal process.


After completion of the retrospective review process (see Section II. Retrospective Claim Reviews), contracting providers may appeal certain pre and post-service claim denials. Only claims denied as not medically necessary may be appealed on the provider’s own behalf as set forth in the policies and procedures. When BCBSKS requests records to support a claim denial, but does not receive them within the 45-day time limit, the service will be denied not medically necessary and will be a provider write-off. The provider may be designated as the member’s authorized representative for appeal purposes according to the terms of the member’s contract.

NOTE: Medical policies including Content of Service (COS) as described in BCBSKS Policy Memos 1-12 or provider’s obligations specified in their provider contracts are not considered eligible claims appeals as outlined in Section III. DENIED CLAIMS APPEALS PROCEDURE. Annually, BCBSKS outlines any changes to the Policy Memos and forwards them to providers for their review. Once providers accept these changes, they are part of the provider’s contract and therefore not considered for claims appeals. Providers disagreeing with any policies should submit their position and supportive documentation to BCBSKS staff for future consideration.

Appeals as the Member’s Authorized Representative: Appeals that you can make as the member’s authorized representative according to the terms of the member’s contract are claims for which the member is financially responsible. When you act as the member’s authorized representative, you are not separately entitled to any appeals pursuant to this Contracting Provider Agreement. Appeals Pursuant to Contracting Provider’s Agreement

First Level: Written notification of disagreement highlighting specific points for reconsideration of a claim denied not medically necessary shall be provided to BCBSKS within 60 days from the date of the retrospective review determination. This notice shall be considered an initial appeal and be forwarded with all pertinent medical records to BCBSKS Customer Service. Medical records submitted with the request for initial appeal will be referred to the appropriate consultant and a determination will be rendered. This decision will be binding unless the provider files a second-level appeal within 60 days of notification of such decision.

Second Level: Forward a written request for the second-level appeal to BCBSKS customer service within 60 days following the first-level appeal denial notification. The second and final appeal determination shall be made by a physician or clinical peer. The contracting provider agrees to abide by the second-level appeal determination.

All appeal decisions under this agreement must be provided within 60 days of receipt of the provider’s request. Any appeals decision not provided within the aforementioned time frames shall be considered as decisions made in favor of the provider and claim payments will be adjusted accordingly.

A contracting provider agrees to accept the determination made at each level or to appeal the determination at the next step of the appeals process. If throughout the appeals process the decision on the claim changes in the provider’s favor, an additional payment will be made. However, a refund will be requested if the decision reverses a previous determination (either partially or totally).

The result of the appeals process shall be binding on the provider and BCBSKS subject only to the provision for binding arbitration previously stated herein.