List of Valid ICD-10-CM Codes

CMS has posted a complete list of the 2016 ICD-10-CM valid codes and code titles on the 2016 ICD-10-CM and GEMs web page

. The file is named icd10cm_codes_2016.txt. This file will be useful for physician offices and other providers who want to check to make sure that they are reporting all characters in a valid ICD-10-CM code. The codes are listed in tabular order (the order found in the ICD-10-CM code book). This list should assist providers who are unsure if additional characters are needed, such as the addition of a 7th character in order to arrive at a valid code.

A similar list of the 2016 ICD-10-PCS valid codes and code titles is available on the 2016 ICD-10 PCS and GEMs web page. The file is named icd10pcs_codes_2016.txt.

Use of Unspecified Codes in ICD-10-CM

CMS has a number of resources that explain unspecified codes and how they should be used in ICD-10-CM:

• MLN Matters® Article SE1518, “Information and Resources for Submitting Correct ICD-10
Codes to Medicare”

 • ICD-10 Basics MLN Connects National Provider Call – Call Materials from August 22, 2013

•More ICD-10 Coding Basics MLN Connects Call – Call Materials from June 4, 2014

• ICD-10 Coding Basics MLN Connects Video – January 2014

• Coding for ICD-10-CM: More of the Basics MLN Connects Video – December 2014
Visit the ICD-10 Medicare Fee-For-Service Provider Resources web page for a complete list of
Medicare Learning Network educational materials