Interchange ID Qualifier 27, ZZ
Contractor will reject an interchange (transmission) that does not contain 27 ,or ZZ in ISA05

ISA06 Interchange Sender ID
Contractor will reject an interchange (transmission) that does not contain a valid ID in ISA06.

ISA07 Interchange ID Qualifier 27, ZZ
Contractor will reject an interchange (transmission) that does not contain 27 or ZZ in ISA07

ISA12 Interchange Control Version Number
Contractor will reject an interchange (transmission) that does not contain 00501 in ISA12.

GS – Segment Rule
Contractor will only process one transaction type (records group) per interchange (transmission); a submitter must only submit one type of GS-GE (Functional Group) within an ISA-IEA (Interchange).

Contractor will only process one transaction type (records group) per interchange (transmission); a submitter must only submit one type of GS-GE (Functional Group) within an ISA-IEA (Interchange).

GS03 Application Receiver’s Code

Contractor will reject an interchange (transmission) that is submitted with an invalid value in GS03 (Application Receivers Code) based on the carrier definition.

GS04 Functional Group Creation Date

 Contractor will reject an interchange (transmission) that is submitted with a future date

ST – Segment Rule
Contractor will only accept claims for one line of business per transaction. Claims submitted for multiple lines of business within one ST-SE