Here is an Urgent Alert to Providers in Preparation for Hurricane Isaac from United Healthcare.

If your office relocates or closes for an extended period, please contact us at 877-369-1302.

• In case of a hurricane or other disaster, your patients can register
on the American Red Cross Safe and Well website,, to let family and friends know about their
welfare. Those without Internet access can call 1-866-GET-INFO.

• Volunteers are critical in an emergency. First-responders and shelter
volunteers play a crucial role by donating their time, skills and
resources to those in need.

• Visit for more information on emergency preparedness.

Are your Patients Prepared for Hurricane Season?

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan wants to help you make sure your
patients are prepared for hurricane season and the resulting hazards
such as storm surge, high winds, tornadoes, and flooding. Be sure to
share these tips with your patients before
disaster strikes:

• Assemble an emergency preparedness kit including: food; water; extra
cash; first aid supplies; a flashlight; a radio; a multi-purpose tool;
medications and medical items; copies of personal documents; ID cards;
cell phone with chargers; map of the area; an emergency blanket;
emergency numbers; sanitation supplies such as disinfecting bleach; and
other essential items.
Consider the special needs of family members and supplement kits with
items that fit your needs (such as baby supplies or pet food). Be sure
to include your UnitedHealthcare  Community Plan and Medicaid ID cards.

• Identify ahead of time where to go if you are told to evacuate. Choose
several places, such as a friend’s home in another town, a motel or a
shelter and have their phone numbers on hand. You may need to take
unfamiliar routes if major roads are closed or clogged so be sure to
have a map. Develop a plan for family communication in the event of an
emergency and agree on
evacuation routes so everyone knows what to do and where to go.

Listen to NOAA ( Radio or local radio or TV stations for evacuation instructions. If advised to evacuate, do so immediately. You can find more information at
There, you can sign up for text updates and even a smartphone
application to help you plan. from Louisiana Governor’s Off ice and the
American Red Cross

Good to know:
Please encourage your patients to update their address and
phone contact information with us regularly so we can reach them in case
of an emergency. Members can do this by calling Member Services,
866-675-1607 (TTY: 711) or NurseLine, 877-440-9409.