Recipient Signatures

While a recipient signature is not required on individual claim forms, all providers must obtain a signature to be kept on file, (such as release forms or sign-in sheets)  as verification that the recipient was present on the date of service for which the provider seeks payment. Exceptions to the recipient signature are listed below:

• The recipient signature is not required when there is no personal contact between recipient and provider, as is usually the case for laboratory or radiology.

• Illiterate recipients may make their mark, for example, “X,” witnessed by someone with his dated signature after the phrase “witnessed by.”

• A representative may sign for a recipient who is not competent to sign because of age, mental, or physical impairment.

• The recipient signature is not required when a physician makes a home visit.

The physician must provide documentation in the medical record that the services were rendered.

• For services rendered in a licensed facility setting other than the provider’s office, the recipient’s signature on file in the facility’s record is acceptable.