I applied for my National Provider Identifier (NPI) over the web and haven’t received the NPI Notification. What should I do?

The Contact Person should first check the computer’s SPAM filter to ensure that the NPI Notification e-mail has not been routed to SPAM. If the NPI Notification is not in the SPAM filter and it has been 15 days since the NPI application was submitted over the web, the health care provider or the Contact Person should contact the NPI Enumerator at 1-800-465-3203.

Will a health care provider’s National Provider Identifier (NPI) ever change?

The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is meant to be a lasting identifier, and is expected to remain unchanged even if a health care provider changes his or her name, address, provider taxonomy, or other information that was furnished as part of the original NPI application process. There are some situations, however, in which an NPI may change such as when health care provider organizations determine they may need a new NPI due to, for example, certain changes of ownership, the conditions of a purchase, or a new owner’s subpart strategies. There also may be situations where a new NPI is necessary because the current NPI was used for fraudulent purposes.

Under the National Provider Identifier (NPI), what are primary and secondary providers?

Providers are categorized as either “primary” or “secondary” providers:
• Primary providers include billing, pay-to, rendering, or performing providers. In the DMERCs, primary providers include ordering providers.
• Secondary providers include supervising physicians, operating physicians, referring providers, and so on.