Alabama Recipient Aid Categories

There are many valid recipient aid categories. Below is a listing of aid categories that indicate restrictions. Recipients with aid categories not identified in the following lists receive full Medicaid benefits.

Partial Coverage

The following aid categories denote partial coverage:

5A Pregnancy-related services, family planning, and postpartum services only
5B Pregnancy-related services, postpartum, and family planning, plus Medicare deductibles and coinsurance for other services that Medicare covers
5C Pregnancy-related services, postpartum, and family planning, plus payment of the Medicare part B premiums
50 Family planning-related services only
58 Emergency Services for aliens, delivery/childbirth only 
Medicare deductibles and coinsurance (cover services only if Medicare
pays on the services) QMB-only (Category 1 recipients are described in
Section 3.3.6, Medicare)

95 Medicare deductibles and coinsurance (cover services only if Medicare pays on the services) QMB-only (Category 1 recipients are described in Section 3.3.6, Medicare)

R2 Medicare deductible and coinsurance (cover services only if Medicare pays on the services) QMB-only (Category 1 recipients are described in Section 3.3.6, Medicare)
R4 Pregnancy-related services, family planning, and postpartum services only
R5 Pregnancy-related services, family planning, and postpartum services only (plus Medicare deductibles and coinsurance for other services that Medicare covers – retro)
R6 Emergency Services for aliens, delivery/childbirth only