Claim Not in System

The claim may be refiled (fax / mail) after verifying the claims mailing address, filing time limit, processing time and additional documents to be attached.

Claim Denied for Pre-existing Condition

The Patient needs to be billed for the service rendered for pre-existing condition

Doctor Not Contracted

The Provider’s contract details are obtained and forwarded to the client

for an adjustment to be taken.

Procedure Not Payable

The details of the procedure are obtained and forwarded to the client, to be adjusted.
Provider Issue
The information required from the provider to process the claim is obtained and forwarded to the client for further action to be taken.

Claims paid and Off-set against another

The details of the invoice against which the claim has been offset along with the payment details are obtained and forwarded to the client.

Claims Paid but not posted

The Payment details like Check #, Date, Pay to Address and encashment are obtained and forwarded to the client for further action to be taken.

Non-Contractual Adjustment

The Denial Reason and Amount to be adjusted are forwarded to the client.

Authorization Required

If the Client provides the Authorization Number, further follow-up is made. The client takes an adjustment when authorization is not available.

Referral Required

If the Client provides the Referral Number, further follow-up is made. The client takes an adjustment when referral is not available.

Claims paid to wrong address

The Payment Details and the address to which the check was paid are forwarded to the client. The correct address may be updated or W-9 forms may be sent.

EOB / Remittance Advice Required

The details of the EOB / RA required are forwarded to the client and when the client provides the same, further follow up is made.

Capitation Payment

The Payment details are obtained and reported to client to be adjusted.

Claims in Process

When insurance companies state that the claim is in process we acquire details regarding the exact number of days after which the claim will be fully processed, contact person & how much will be paid.

Check In Mail

When the insurance company had already paid the claim we get the payment details along with the date of payment. If the payment does not reach the client within one month of the date of calling we do a follow up with the insurance company to trace the payment.

Claim pending by Insurance

When Insurance keeps the claim pending for want of Surgeons bill, Hospital Bill & Patient Information, a follow up is done with the insurance after the same is received from the client.

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