Medicare Part B – Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI)

For 2009, the standard premium for SMI services is $96.40 a month; the deductible is $135.00 a year; and the coinsurance is 20%.

Under Part B, the Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) program, all enrollees are subject to a monthly premium. In addition, most SMI services are subject to an annual deductible and coinsurance (percent of costs that the enrollee must pay), which are set by statute. Further, when Part B enrollment takes place more than 12 months after a person’s initial enrollment period, there is a permanent 10% increase in the premium for each year the beneficiary had the opportunity to (but failed to) enroll.

The Part B premium is influenced by the beneficiary’s income and can be substantially higher based on income. The higher premium amounts and relative income levels for those amounts are contained in CR 6258, which is available at on the CMS website.
Additional Information
If you have questions, please contact your Medicare FI, A/B MAC, DME MAC, carriers or RHHI at their toll-free number which may be found at on the CMS website.